t’s fair to say that Apple makes some pretty good-looking computers – but nothing quite as spectacular as this. No, you aren’t admiring an intricate golden chandelier or a new type of laser gun. It’s actually the core of an IBM Q quantum computer, a revolutionary machine that’s currently rewriting the rulebooks of computer science.
In basic terms, a quantum computer replicates what’s going on inside an atom to perform rapid and complex calculations. At this atomic level, things don’t obey the same rules of physics and, instead, can embody different states. Imagine a switch, for example: in normal life it will either be on or off, but at a quantum level it can be both on and off at the same time.
Due to their capabilities, it is predicted that quantum computers will be better-suited to working on specialist subjects such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Their operation involves microwaves being fired at special chips made from superconductive materials such as silicone, aluminium and niobium.
‘We are trying to use the way the universe was put together to do computations,’ explains Bob Wiesnieff, CTO of Quantum Research at IBM.
‘Quantum computers harness the special properties of quantum mechanics and use them to perform complex calculations in a much easier and quicker way than normal computers. But don’t expect to have one sitting in your living room anytime soon, as they will not replace current devices and will instead be used in conjunction with them.’
The basic unit of information in a quantum computer is called a qubit, as opposed to the binary digit or bit used in regular computers. You will probably recognise this measurement from email attachments, which are often measured in megabits. So far the largest quantum computers only have 50 qubits. But these models, while still only prototypes, are the forerunners of an exciting new wave of machines that could one day solve problems faster than even the most powerful computers today.
However, due to their complex nature, these quantum machines are still very temperamental, and even the slightest outside perturbation can result in an error or loss of data. They must be operated in extreme cold, at temperatures of -10 milliKelvin (-273 Celsius), and in near complete darkness, which explains their striking appearance. But, despite these challenges, Bob remains very positive about their future.
‘Twenty years ago we didn’t even think that making one of these computers was possible,’ he says. ‘Now, who knows how efficient they will be in five years’ time? I am convinced that, in the not-so-distant future, quantum computing will transform the way we do things, in a similar way to how the database has taken over nearly every aspect of modern society.’